The Ancient Ialysos

The Ancient Ialyssos is located in Ialyssos, in the northern region of the island. In the area there are important monuments. The most important of these are:

- The Temple of Athena Poliados, it is a Doric temple amphiprostyle
- The Doric fountain, a whole area of water system
- The Temple of the Knights' from the 14th century, with vaulted roof and two hexagonal chapels
- The Vaptistirio, next to which is the church of Panagia Filerimos.
- The Byzantine fortifications
- The Ruins of Katholic Byzantine monastery
- The Medieval monastery
- The chapel of Agios George Xostos

Outside the archaeological site starts a paved path with 14 etchings with scenes from the Passion of Jesus and the path to Calvary, "the road to Calvary."

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